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DMR072 | 2024-02-16  
Well-known nu disco artist Charly Angelz is thrilled to unveil her highly anticipated single "Movin On". This energetic and upbeat track showcases Angelz's signature blend of infectious funky beats and catchy rhythms and melodies, making it a surefire hit for nu disco fans worldwide. The single is available in two versions: the original jam, and the dub jam. "I'm so excited to share 'Movin' On' with the world," says Angelz. "This song is a reflection of my journey as an artist, and I hope it will inspire others to embrace their own paths. The nu disco and funk genre has always been a source of inspiration for me, and I'm thrilled to be contributing to this vibrant and ever-evolving scene." With its infectious energy and catchy hooks, "Movin' On" is sure to become a staple on nu disco playlists. Charly Angelz is a force to be reckoned with in the music industry, and her new single is a testament to her talent and passion.

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