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GFY415 | 2021-06-11  
Maybe it's a result of covid keeping DJs locked in their studios with nothing else to do but practice for more than a year, or maybe it's just a new found love for technically sound DJing, but the use of DJ tools, manipulation of 'tracky' or loopy records is at an all time high (and that makes us very happy!). Two DJ tools you'll hear in heavy rotation with some of the biggest names in the biz come courtesy of Good For You Records label head Kenny Summit; his latest release DRM WRK is dripping with that vintage New York style tribal energy, with heavy live percussion with that chopped up loopy style DJs just love to manipulate. On the B-side 'Kenneth's Frequency' is yet another high energy cut featuring a relentless piano riff that keeps building throughout the record. This is timeless underground house you'll hear for years to come.
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